“Garlic and sapphires in the mud
Clot the bedded axle-tree.
The trilling wire in the blood
Sings below inveterate scars
Appeasing long forgotten wars.”
— verse from The Four Quartets by T.S.Eliot
Being a photographer that has experienced depression for periods of my life, I wanted to attempt a visual record of how I sometimes experience the world. This short film was my Masters major project, it’s not a guide to depression or an exact representation, it’s an expression of how the symptoms have at times shown themselves to me.
After laying out the photos from a few months shooting, I realised still photography wasn’t conveying what I wanted, so I began to to put the still images into video editing software creating a timeline, adding in sounds I’d recorded whilst out shooting.
I gave talks at Mental Health Charities Sane and Rethink, sharing my project and experiences. One aim was to connect with service users, to share with them that others are experiencing similar symptoms. Another was to aid understanding, for those working in the mental health charities.