In 1647 Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell banned bingo in England, but a group of hardcore bingo players has kept an underground club going in clandestine locations around London.
Cast out from society and persecuted for their beliefs, the Underground Rebel Bingo Club has had to keep a very low profile, with events being held at secret locations and only attended by those in the know.
“14…a difficult age for a girl”
A man from audience mistakenly claims he can jump on top of the host James without touching him.
Half time entertainment provided by Craig the Hulaboy, hulaing up to 40 hoops to “The Winds of Change” by the Scorpions.
“No 35, my Nan smells like chives”
Bedlam ensues as the final Bingo climax is reached.
Pete the medal-winning barman does not accept Scottish notes.